Top 10 Tips for Cities Considering Pre-Approved Housing Plans

The discussion of Pre-Approved Housing Plans, or what we call a Pre-Approved Housing Types Catalog (PAHTC) is being discussed and considered by jurisdictions across the country to address the dire nature of housing costs. Small and large communities, and even the Canadian Government thinking about national application, are hopeful these plans can help spur delivery of more new housing and at a greater variety of price points. This approach, if implemented effectively, can be a way to reduce costs and time of entitlement and delivery of homes while elevating the quality of design and living offered.

MMH Scan™ Supports Adoption of Middle Housing Standards in Knoxville

The Knoxville City Council recently adopted Middle Housing Zoning standards informed by Opticos’ Missing Middle Housing Scan. The Council’s aim is to expand housing options while preserving neighborhood character. Developed in collaboration with community input and Opticos Design’s consultation, these standards aim to facilitate the construction of diverse house-scale housing types within Traditional Neighborhood Residential zones.

Micro Units and Courtyard Housing: Are They Like Peanut Butter and Chocolate?

I wanted to share a short summary of an infill housing project we are working on that I am excited about. I feel that this can serve as a great model that can inform other projects focused on including smaller units, or micro units, as a tool to deliver attainability, but without compromising on livability. Maybe this is something you have been considering?   Based on what we are seeing with costs of housing and the desire to live in walkable urban locations, I feel this type of micro unit housing could be viable in most markets, even in smaller towns.