Missing Middle Housing Master Plans/Specific Plans Form-Based Coding Corridors Small Town/Rural

Doheny Village Form-Based Code

Dana Point, California

Reinforcing a surfer/maker culture with smart coding

The Doheny Village code implements a vision, refined by Opticos with the community in 2015, that transforms Dana Point’s historic settlement area from its current state of disinvestment and dilapidated public realm along Doheny Park Road into an appealing village main street. Supporting this reinvigorated corridor are Missing Middle Housing neighborhoods to the east and a lively Maker District, which is home to California’s surfer culture beginnings, on the west. 

As part of an intensive, five-day charrette with the local community, Opticos prepared visioning designs for the 150-acre plan area. Concepts incorporated community preferences for walkable amenities and building types supporting the area’s surf culture and spirit.